b ReviewCentral: December 2005


Ron Lisy's reviews on books, movies, restaurants, or anything under the sun.

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Monday, December 12, 2005

Tom Johnson: The Life and Times of Cleveland's Greatest Mayor

Impressive Historical Biography

Tom Johnson: The Life and Times of Cleveland's Greatest Mayor
by Kevin O'Connell, 111 pages
Publisher: Green Road Press (December, 2001)

Tom Johnson: The Life and Times of Cleveland's Greatest Mayor provides a rare look at the life of Thomas Loftin Johnson, who served as Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio from 1901-1909.

Often referred to as Cleveland's Greatest Mayor, Johnson has rarely been the subject of biographers-- Two books on his life were published within a year of his 1911 death, another in the early 1990's that is now out of print-- and now O'Connell's work.

In this volume O'Connell does a good job of painting the picture of Johnson, and his evolution from successful capitalist businessman to unabashed socialist politician.

Johnson's success in turning the City of Cleveland from a backward industrial city with a poor quality of life into a modern turn of the century metropolis is covered, as well as his quixotic campaign for Ohio Governor; where his progressive views were soundly rejected by Ohio voters, are covered throughly.

It is clear from this work that O'Connell, the biographer, is a fan of Johnson. The book is clearly pro-Johnson, rather than a neutral work. However I found this to be a great read. It really painted a picture of 1900's Cleveland and has given me a great amount of respect for Mayor Johnson and his accomplishments.

review by Ron Lisy,

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Campaigns and Elections Magazine

If you want to learn the campaign trade this is the place to go!

Format: Magazine
Publisher: Congressional Quarterly

Campaigns and Elections Magazine is the undisputed champ of electoral politics. Articles include both how-to and case studies of recent campaigns from top consultants on both sides of the political aisle. C & E also offers insider news on consultant sign ups, polling and upcoming personalities. If you are a candidate, potential candidate, aspiring or accomplished political consultant, or political campaign scholar you need this magazine.

by Ron Lisy,

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Sunday, December 11, 2005

Not All Politics Is Local: Reflections of a Former County Chairman

An Inside Play-by-Play of County Party Politics

Not All Politics Is Local: Reflections of a Former County Chairman
(Paperback)by William D. Angel Jr.

Paperback: 337 pages
Publisher: Kent State University Press (September, 2002)

Bill Angel gives an entertaining narrative of his campaign to oust a local Democratic party Chairman in small-town Lima Ohio. In the early 1980's, in a county where the Democrats are outmanned by Republicans, and saddled with an ineffective party leadership, Bill Angel is recruited by a team that believes their party can do better. Angel and his team organize a challenge to the sitting Chairman and pull off the upset taking control of the party apparatus. Then the tough part begins. Running a political party that is expected to do poorly by potential donors and potential candidates makes for a challenging environment. In this book Angel brings you there. You experience the promise of change in the organization, and the dissolution of fighting the uphill battle of electing candidates from the "wrong party". If you have always wondered about the inside working of party politics this is a great read for you. Or if you are a party insider who enjoys hearing political war stories, you won't be disappointed here.

Reviewed by Ron Lisy

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